What is @types/d3-geo?
The @types/d3-geo package contains TypeScript type definitions for d3-geo, a JavaScript library that provides geographical projections, transformations, and path generators. It enables developers to work with geographic data using D3.js, ensuring type safety and autocompletion in TypeScript projects.
What are @types/d3-geo's main functionalities?
Geographic Projections
This feature allows you to create various geographic projections to map spherical coordinates to a flat surface. The code sample demonstrates how to create an Albers projection and a path generator for rendering.
import * as d3 from 'd3-geo';
const projection = d3.geoAlbers();
const pathGenerator = d3.geoPath().projection(projection);
const pathData = pathGenerator({ type: 'Sphere' });
Spherical Shapes
This feature enables the creation of spherical shapes such as circles on the globe. The code sample shows how to create a geoCircle with a specified center and radius, and generate the path data for rendering.
import * as d3 from 'd3-geo';
const circle = d3.geoCircle().center([0, 0]).radius(90);
const circlePathData = d3.geoPath()(circle());
Geographic Transformations
This feature provides transformations such as rotations to manipulate geographic coordinates. The code sample illustrates how to rotate a point on the globe.
import * as d3 from 'd3-geo';
const rotate = d3.geoRotation([90, -45]);
const rotatedCoordinates = rotate([0, 0]);
GeoJSON Feature Rendering
This feature allows rendering of GeoJSON objects using D3's path generator. The code sample demonstrates how to generate path data for a GeoJSON feature.
import * as d3 from 'd3-geo';
import { Feature } from 'geojson';
const pathGenerator = d3.geoPath();
const feature: Feature = {
type: 'Feature',
geometry: {
type: 'Point',
coordinates: [0, 0]
const pathData = pathGenerator(feature);
Other packages similar to @types/d3-geo
TopoJSON is an extension of GeoJSON that encodes topology. It offers functionality to encode geographic data structures in a more efficient format than GeoJSON. Unlike @types/d3-geo, which provides type definitions for D3's geographic functionalities, TopoJSON focuses on the data format itself.
Leaflet is a leading open-source JavaScript library for mobile-friendly interactive maps. It is designed with simplicity, performance, and usability in mind. While @types/d3-geo provides type definitions for D3's geographic functions, Leaflet offers a full-fledged mapping solution with a wide range of features including tile layers, markers, popups, and more.
Proj4js is a JavaScript library to transform point coordinates from one coordinate system to another, including datum transformations. It is similar to @types/d3-geo in that it deals with geographic projections, but it is a standalone library for coordinate transformation rather than type definitions for D3's geographic functions.